Hi folks, just uploaded a bunch of stuff relating to my master project!
Hope you all enjoy it
...ye so my nick was supposed to be SplinterNurse instead of SplinterNRurse, but since im somewhat of an airhead i didn't notice it at first :)
Joined on 5/22/09
Posted by SplinterNrurse - September 8th, 2014
Hi folks, just uploaded a bunch of stuff relating to my master project!
Hope you all enjoy it
Posted by SplinterNrurse - February 15th, 2011
found a better quality version of my lovetower animation, i still can't find a way to decently compress it so i can post the swf here, so this'll have to do
Posted by SplinterNrurse - August 21st, 2010
Alright so i guess i'm not gonna be able to post the original .swf here, so here's the youtube link
enjoy ;)
*link deleted*
ps: flash is doing something weird when i converted it to a movie, because of that some of the movie clips started repeating themselves
Posted by SplinterNrurse - August 20th, 2010
so here's another animation i made some time before christmas, this was for school and i used nothing but high-res pictures so it's waaaaaaaaaaay to big to post the .swf here.
so i thought i just post the youtube vid here then :D
animation about a toy,
the original song was: The Piano Duet by Danny Elfman
but since WMG doesn't allow me to use it *cough*assholes*cough*, i just picked something from youtube's default list... it sux now
/* */
other good news: i have another more recent animation, but again the filesize is too big lol, but only by 5mb or so ( and thats after i tried compressing it as much as i could). So i send an e-mail to the NG staff to ask if they would let me post it. Anyway if i don't hear from em or if they won't let me i'll just post the youtube( aka the less qualtitative) version here
Posted by SplinterNrurse - March 28th, 2010
man, it has been a LONG time since i last submitted something here, heven't had the time tbh...
anyway thought i'd submit some more recent works, so here they are ^^
btw i made a nice flash animation but the file size is waaaaay too big :s, as soon as i fix that little issue ill get it up here as well
Posted by SplinterNrurse - July 21st, 2009
olriiiight! finally got around to post some recent and some old vector art. I'll try to find some time so i can scan/photograph some of my paintings and sketches. c u soon then ;)
Posted by SplinterNrurse - July 3rd, 2009
thx for visiting my page ;) be sure to check my art, I'll try to uodate it as often as i can.