so here's another animation i made some time before christmas, this was for school and i used nothing but high-res pictures so it's waaaaaaaaaaay to big to post the .swf here.
so i thought i just post the youtube vid here then :D
animation about a toy,
the original song was: The Piano Duet by Danny Elfman
but since WMG doesn't allow me to use it *cough*assholes*cough*, i just picked something from youtube's default list... it sux now
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other good news: i have another more recent animation, but again the filesize is too big lol, but only by 5mb or so ( and thats after i tried compressing it as much as i could). So i send an e-mail to the NG staff to ask if they would let me post it. Anyway if i don't hear from em or if they won't let me i'll just post the youtube( aka the less qualtitative) version here